Peter Darrell 25th Anniversary, Sunday 2nd December 2012, 3-6pm
The Trust has arranged a very special event to take place on Sunday 2nd December at Scottish Ballet’s Headquarters at the Tramway, Glasgow.
Elly Taylor of Taylored Productions has been working on a documentary film, for BBC Scotland, on Peter and the private preview of the film, Peter Darrell Scotland’s Dance Pioneer, will be screened on Sunday 2nd December.
Tickets are limited for this special occasion and will be issued on a first come first served basis. It will be a chance to get together and meet friends and colleagues from Peter’s time, to celebrate his life and to enjoy the film.
You are invited to buy tickets at £30 per person, which will include the film and a canapés and wine reception, followed by a wine pay bar.
If you require accommodation in Glasgow, the Millennium Hotel in George Square has kindly offered the following discounted rates:
Sun 2 Dec: Room & Breakfast - Single £50, Double £56
Bookings must be made by phone or email - please quote Peter Darrell Trust allocation:
Tel 0141 332 6711 and ask for Reservations; email: