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The Peter Darrell Choreography Evening

The second Peter Darrell Choreography Evening with the Dance School of Scotland will take place on Friday 14th December 2018 at 5pm in the Sports Hall, Knightswood Secondary School, 60 Knightswood Road, Glasgow G13 2XD.

The support given by the Peter Darrell Trust has enhanced the choreographic tuition and workshops by visiting teachers and companies. This year has also included the first residency by a company, the Richard Alston Dance Company.

The content of the residency was a daily contemporary class, a session on the choreography of Richard Alston and the creation of a short work to be presented at the Peter Darrell Choreography Evening. This has allowed the 4th year students to not only learn sections of choreography from various ballets by Richard Alston and to have a piece created for them but to work as a company would.

Along with the new piece created for the 4th years, the 1st years will present a variation of Bon Bons from Peter Darrell's Nutcracker Act 2 and the 2nd and 3rd years will show sections from Peter's Giselle Act 1.

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